Using Imagemagick to rotate hue of CSS style sheet
Post date: Mar 1, 2011 2:30:45 AM
Earlier I mentioned how I skinned the GPLHost DTC control panel using imagemagick to modify the graphics. The one thing that bugged me is I never came up with a semi-automatic way of changing the style sheet... but then I had a brilliant idea. I could use Imagemagic just the same! I think.
The process I thought of was this:
- Parse the css for all colours
- Make an image using the text input format to imagemagick
- Change the image with modulate or similar imagemagic commands and output back to text
- Parse the image files and map colour to colour
After a bit of hacking it together, I ended up with something like this:
echo "# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,90,255,RGB">img.txt
for colour in `cat skin.css|sed "s/.*\(#[1234567890ABCDEFabcdef]*\).*/\1/g"|sort -u|grep ^#....`;
do red=`echo $colour|awk 'END{print "ibase=16; " toupper(substr($1,2,2))}'|bc`
green=`echo $colour|awk 'END{print "ibase=16; " toupper(substr($1,4,2))}'|bc`
blue=`echo $colour|awk 'END{print "ibase=16; " toupper(substr($1,6,2))}'|bc`
echo "0,$i: ($red,$green,$blue) ${colour}">>img.txt
convert txt:img.txt -modulate 100,100,-10 -depth 8 txt:img2.txt
for colour in `cat img.txt|grep "#[1234567890ABCDEFabcdef]"|sed "s/.*\(#[1234567890ABCDEFabcdef]*\).*/\1/g"`
do line=`cat img.txt|grep -n "$colour"|awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $1}'`
newcolour=`cat img2.txt|awk "NR==$line{print}"|grep "#[1234567890ABCDEFabcdef]"|sed "s/.*\(#[1234567890ABCDEFabcdef]*\).*/\1/g"`
echo "$colour -> $newcolour"
Which when run, produces:
#083658 -> #581208
#105278 -> #781610
#1C3135 -> #351C1F
#277193 -> #932827
#30F9FF -> #FF3068
#3381A1 -> #A13334
#3F91AF -> #AF3F42
#547074 -> #745459
#5A5A5A -> #5A5A5A
#7FCEF1 -> #F17F7F
#928E81 -> #818A92
#9FC8D7 -> #D79FA0
#BAC0A2 -> #A2A5C0
#C0DBE5 -> #E5C0C1
#dbe9ed -> #EDDBDC
#E3E5D8 -> #D8D9E5
#ECEEE5 -> #E5E5EE
#EFF6F8 -> #F8EFEF
#F6F6F2 -> #F2F3F6
Just need to use sed to change the values in each file and then bam - instant colour hack